Marketing Outcome - Outcome 3 & 4

I have now reached the final stages of my second submission. In this post I focused on creating the billboard piece for my brand marketing. To create this billboard, I began by researching how a typical fashion billboard looks. From my findings I noticed that the content on the billboard is kept to a minimal, and everything centres around the main image. White, is a colour that is used often as it contrasts well with pretty much any physical background. The location of these billboards is also key, the billboard must be positioned in a specific area so that it attracts the desired target audience I had to keep this in mind when creating my design. Some particular billboards take advantage of the white space used within a design, this technique attracts the consumers eye towards other aspects of the design therefore making the legislation easier. My final billboard outcome can be seen below. 

My final billboard outcome is displayed above. With this billboard I have tried to keep the aesthetics that you see within other fashion billboards in my own design. I have matched the style used within my other brand media and marketing. This billboard centres around the main model image which is also used in my online marketing banner. I decided to reuse the model image as I feel it is very strong due to the poisoning of the model’s head.  I have added branding towards the bottom left of the billboard, ensuring I do not take anything away from the main focus. I accompanied the logo with the hypothetical website address for my brand. This website address would attempt to drive traffic towards my site. I decided to position my billboard in a London Underground setting, this ensures that a mass amount of people will view the billboard many of which who are in my target age demographic.

In the link above you can find my digital billboard response. This outcome shows how my billboard will work in a digitalised setting. Many locations use digital billboards as it allows adverting reels to be displayed. Digital billboards often focus on subtle animation, sound would not be used as it may not be heard in some busy location. In this digital billboard I have decided to fade my logo and model image onto the screen, whereas my website address is revealed gradually. This type of animation works well with the minimalist design approach. Aside from positioning my work in the London Underground these billboards could also be located on a shopping high street or a city centre, these particular locations will also allow the brand to reach its target audience. This type of animation could further be used in an online setting, the billboard artwork could serve as a running animation on my website or it could be used as an animated web advertisement. 

I am very pleased with the outcome of my two billboard designs. These outcomes complete the set and show how I would market my brand using both online and print based media. If I were to alter these billboards I would begin by possibly adding the price to the design, which is similar to the work of H&M. Within my animation I would ensure the website address is faded onto the screen at the same time and in the same effect as the logo. These alterations are something I could possible focus on further down the line if I insist to register my brand. I have now completed the final stage in my second submission. This major project was initially challenging for me as I had never done anything like this before, however throughout my time on the Graphic Design MA I have learnt many new things. I've truly enjoyed my time on the course and completing this project amongst other modules. During this Graphic Design MA I believe I have become a more well rounded graphic designer, I will now take my skillset into my the field. 

Marketing Outcome - Outcome 2

In this post I focused on creating an online advertisement that will be used in conjunction with my first collection. This form of online advertisement can often be seen situated on certain websites. In some cases, advertisements can appear due to the build-up of online cookies. As previously discussed these cookies capture your recent internet searches and then display advertisements relating to them. Essentially online advertisements have the same effect as physical billboards, however you can target your audience better. Many online advertisements attempt to reflect current promotions that the company is offering to the consumer, other forms of advertisements leave the consumer intrigued whilst wanting to find out more. An example of an online advertisement is displayed below. 

Online Advertisement (Source: Screenshot by Blog Author)

The advertisement above is promoting a special offer, it intends for the consumer to read the message in order to understand the promotion. I have used this size of advertisement within my own design as I feel it works well with the product imagery I have and the idea of minimalism which I have tried to keep. Personally, I feel the above advertisement is slightly cluttered and I tried to avoid this within my work. On many online advertisement’s hyperlinks are added which direct the consumer towards the product being displayed, in this advertisement the hyperlink button is displayed on the bottom left of the box. Some online advertisements attempt to use straplines to give the consumer a background. I have not used a strapline within my own online advertisement as I think it would over-complicate the design, however I may look into this within my billboard piece.

My online advertisement outcome is displayed above. With this advertisement I have tried to reflect the minimalist nature that you see through my brand, I have done with the use of white space. I have chosen an image which displays the specific cut of the garment well and involves the model looking directly forward. Whilst maximising the overall white space, I have not added a lot of text to the advertisement as I feel it doesn’t necessarily need it and it would only take attention away from the product image. I have included a hyperlink on my advertisement, this hyperlink would take you directly to the brand website. As shown above I have positioned this advertisement on a day-to-day emailing platform, this type of targeting will ensure I gain the most amount of clicks as possible on a daily basis furthermore the emailing service also supports my target age range.

Overall, I am very pleased with the outcome of my online advertisement. I specifically like the simplicity of the design and that is steers away from the mass market of cluttered online advertisements you currently see. If I were to improve on this design I would possibly think about altering the hyperlink button so that it refers more to a clothing range. This alteration may give the consumer more of an inkling of what the advertisement is representing. Moving forward I will now attempt to create my billboard design. This will operate in a slightly similar manner to the online advertisement, yet at a much bigger scale. After this billboard design I will then create the animated alternative. 

Marketing Outcome - Outcome 1

In this stage of my project I have created my first marketing outcome. After reflection on the impact of social media and use platforms such as Instagram can have on a brand, I have decided to mock-up how I’d want my Instagram profile to look. Instagram is a great platform for clothing brands as it allows the consumer to see editorial pictures of the products they are buying. Instagram is particularly ideal as it allows you to build a social following through the use of tags and frequent activity. My target audience age range is typically the same as the individuals you see on the platform, therefore this will allow me to possible grow a cult following and centre campaigns around this audience. The outcome of my Instagram social media profile can be seen below.   

When creating this profile, I have paid attention to the other clothing profiles on the platform. I have further looked at how my competitors structure their Instagram profile. From this research I have then shown how my page could be formed. Essentially, I have tried to keep it as informative as possible, without it looking cluttered. I have attached a bio which gives a brief description of the brand and where it is based. With Instagram you can form dedicated business profiles, this type of profile allows you to view analytical data regarding your account. The major difference between an Instagram business profile and a personal account is access to features like Instagram insights, contact information, Instagram ads etc.This business profile also allows you to attach links directing you towards the company website or email. Business profiles are particularly popular for brands as they allow you to use paid promotions. This will ensure that a specific post will show on the feed of my desired audience.

Overall, I am very happy with the outcome of my social media profile. This profile directly gives me an idea of how my brand would be reflected to my audience in a social aspect. If I were to take my brand forward in the future the profile would need populating with product imagery. This imagery could be a mix of studio and environment photography. Each post will also help to create essential outfits for the consumer, which ensures I am creating the image of an essentials wardrobe. I understand that in order to grow a social following it must take time; however, I believe with the use of Instagram’s business account it could help me to achieve this following quicker. As previously shown many influencers also operate on the platform which means they could help to promote my brand and the ethos it stands for. As I continue to move forward into my next post I will look at creating an online advertisement.

Marketing Outcome - Main Plan

As I move into the production of my advertisement methods, I must make it clear on what I set out to achieve. These advertisements are intended to run alongside my brand as if I were to register the company and make it a legitimate business venture. I have utilised my research on marketing in order to create the objectives and an effective marketing strategy for my brand. I will aim for four marketing techniques: Online Advertising, Billboard, Digital Billboard, Social Media. My outcomes towards these techniques will build attention towards the brand. Essentially, I will reflect the ethos of my brand through these advertisements whilst aiming to pitch the product.

Marketing Research - Case Study 03

As I move into this stage of my marketing research, it would be valuable to understand how advertisements are used in the environment and how they capture the eyes of the consumer. Advertisements can come in all shapes and sizes, from large scale billboards all the way down to wall posters found on the high-street. The market for retail advertisements is very saturated so it is key that fashion brands think outside of the box and capture the consumers attention. Part of this is done through the location of the specific advertisement, some can be positioned in locations where high amounts of traffic are likely to be passing by. This type of advertising helps to spread the message of a brand or the particular product that is trying to be promoted which then ultimately helps drive sales.

billboard is a large outdoor advertising structure, typically found in high-traffic areas such as alongside busy roads. Billboards present large advertisements to passing pedestrians and drivers. Typically showing witty slogans and distinctive visuals, billboards are highly visible in the top designated market areasBillboard advertising makes an instant impression, getting your message across in seconds. Billboards enable advertisers, large or small to reach huge audiences every day. Essentially this type of advertising is more commonly referred to as outdoor advertising. Outdoor advertising is a very broad term that describes any type of advertising that reaches consumers when they are away from home. This could include: billboards, bus shelter posters, fly posters and digital posters which are very popular in places such as Times Square New York.

Times Square Advertising (Source: ABC News, 2014)

Due to the introduction of the internet, many retailers have included internet marketing into their campaigns. The Internet is used by online and offline companies to promote products or services. Banner advertisements, pop up ads, text ads and paid search placements are common forms. Banner, pop up and text ads are ways to present an image or message on a publisher's website or on a number of websites through a third-party platform like Google's Adwords program. Paid search placements, also known as cost-per-click advertising, is where you bid a certain amount to present your link and text message to users of search engines like Google and Yahoo. Many sites use cookies which build up a profile on the user, advertisements will then follow you around the internet based on what you have previously been looking at. This type of marketing is very tailored to the consumer and it often forces a sale when they least expect it.

Aside from these modes of advertising there are many other ways to market your business. Guerrilla advertising which is also known as ambient media, has become prominent over the last 20 years. It is a broadly used term for anything unconventional, and usually invites the consumer to participate or interact with the piece in some way. Location is important, as is timing. The driving forces behind guerrilla advertising or marketing are creative ideas and innovation, not a large budget. This style of marketing is extremely effective for small businesses to advertise their product or service, especially if they are competing against bigger companies as it is inexpensive and focuses more on reach rather than frequency, guerrilla advertising tires to alter our environment.

Carling Guerilla Advertising (Source: Campaign Live, 2015)

I now understand the primary methods of marketing used in the fashion industry. It is clear to see how certain marketing techniques can capture the consumer and ultimately entice them to buy into the specific brand. Personally, I have noticed that digital billboard is being introduced more, this is due to the convenience of displaying more than one advertisement on the same billboard and therefore saving space. Digital billboards also have the opportunity of displaying an animated image. I may want to look into this as I move forward and create my own advertisement. As I move forward I will try to adopt some of these methods in my own work. To do this I must build a plan on what I intend to produce for my marketing submission. If I decide to create billboard advertisements the location of these must be determined in order to reach my intended market or a high number of consumers all in one location.


ABC News, (2014), Times Square Advertising, [Photograph] Retrieved from

Campaign Live, (2015), Carling Guerrilla Advertising, [Photograph] Retrieved from

Marketing Research - Case Study 02

Aside from traditional fashion advertisements, I feel like it would be beneficial to look at a sustainable fashion campaign. This will give me an insight into how I could potentially approach the advertisements for my brand. The most current advertisement I’ve seen for organic clothing is from the high street retailer H&M. Hennes & Mauritz AB (H&M) is a Swedish multinational clothing retail company known for its fast-fashion clothing for the fashion-conscious consumer. As you walk down the high street you often see H&M positioned on large scale billboards. 

The Conscious Collection is part of H&M’s work towards a more sustainable future in fashion. The entire clothing collection is made from materials like organic cotton, recycled polyester and lyocell. Alongside the sustainable campaign H&M have launched a clothing recycle scheme. Customers can bring any unwanted garments from any label to selected stores and in return they will receive a H&M voucher. H&M also has a Conscious Exclusive collection which features more high-end sustainable clothing. H&M’s Conscious Exclusive collection 2018 pays homage to the Arts and Crafts movement in Sweden and features the new sustainable materials recycled silver and Econyl, a 100% fully regenerated fibre from fishnets and other various nylon waste. The Conscious Exclusive collection launched in selected H&M stores located around the world, as well as online on 19 April 2018. An advertisement for H&M’S organic campaigns can is shown below. 

H&M Conscious Collection (Source: H&M, 2013)

The advertisement above has been collected from H&M’s own Conscious Collection. This particular advert sets a theme of nature throughout the image. This idea of a theme setting is something I may want to explore as I move forward. H&M often display the retail price / description of the clothing item they are showing in the advertisement, this is an interesting idea as it plays with the layout of catalogue fashion. Positioning has been thought about in this advertisement. Each graphic object flows and contrast very well against the vibrant background. Aside from the background referring to sustainability it also relates to the trend of floral patterns that is then reflected on the garment being shown. 

This post has introduced a different side of advertising. Background imagery can often be used to describe what is happening within an image. Because of the clean aesthetic I’m trying to achieve with my brand, I am unsure whether using a themed background would work well. I may take away the idea of the retail price / description being displayed on the image. This may be useful as many people look at sustainable fashion and assume it will be expensive, yet with my collection this is not the case. I will move on to look at how advertisements are used in the environment, this will involve me looking at specific billboards and posters and how they capture the consumers. 


H&M, (2013), H&M Conscious Collection, [Photograph]. Retrieved from

Marketing Research - Case Study 01

As my brand is based around the idea of minimalism, I feel my advertising should reflect that. When I think of good examples of minimalist marketing Apple comes to mind. Apple is an American multinational technology companythat designs, develops, and sells consumer-based electronicscomputer software, and online services. Apple portray minimalism through the design of their products which then leads into their advertisement campaigns. In visual artsmusic, and other mediums, minimalism is an art movement that began in post–World War II Western art, most strongly with American visual arts in the 1960s and early 1970s. Prominent artists associated with minimalism include Donald JuddJohn McCrackenAgnes MartinDan Flavin and Robert Morris.

Apple has always been known for its beautiful minimalist design. Products like the original Macintosh, the iPod, and the iPhone all follow that guiding line of simplicity. Apple tends to winnow out any superfluous design accents that don’t fit within the overall oneness of a product. This obsession with minimalist design also extends out to other areas of the company, including their advertising as you can see below. A typical Apple advertisement or billboard has the product name and a clean picture of the product. An Apple advertisement will not generally include technical specification, pricing or expensive special effects. With this style of advertisement, I can easily see how my clothing brand might work through the using these methods.

Apple IPhone 8 (Source: Apple, 2017)

Apple is not the only company adopting minimalism in their advertisements, many high-end fashion designers like to use this technique. Brands such as Céline achieve the integration of minimalism well. Céline is a French ready-to-wearbrand that adopt a high-end minimalist design style in their clothing which is partly down to the work of Creative Director Phoebe Philo. In the example shown below we can see howCéline have worked with a high-quality image that has very little background noise. No information is provided on the advert other than the brands logo, this allows the audience to focus only on the clothing. This then feeds back into the idea of frames in imagery which I discussed in my previous module when looking at users.

Céline's Summer 2017 Collection (Source Céline, 2017)

Advertisers use the framing effect to present information in a manner that influences how viewers interpret that information. Business owners and marketers often employ framing techniques, such as casting a potentially negative fact about their product into a positive light or by showing the negative effects of a competitor's positive qualities. These professionals frame the aspects of an advert and adjust the meaning of its message with tools such as colourful images, strident music and precise language. Language is sometimes used to frame an advertisements message. Consumers will have emotional reactions to specific words in the advert. The goal is to use words that create a positive emotional frame for the specific product in the target viewer's mind.

From this case study it is now clear to see how I might approach my advertisements in a minimalist manor, I may also want to create animations in the same style. I feel that building up the idea of a clean and essential brand is vital and through my advertising I can begin to reinforce this idea. Moving forward into my next post I will look at other case studies to see different advertisement techniques employed by other brands. I may also want to begin thinking about the position of different advertisements and wear they are displayed in the vital physical environments.


Apple, (2017), Apple IPhone 8, [Photograph], Retrieved from

Céline, (2017), Céline's Summer 2017 Collection, [Photograph] Retrieved from