Workshop - Loops in After Effects

In order for the class to gain a better understanding of animation using Adobe After Effects we received a tutorial from Sara Nesteruk a lecturer at the University. Unfortunately, I was ill this day and could therefore not attend however, I have completed many After Effects workshops with Sara during my Undergraduate course. These lessons I have received with Sara has built my confidence within the software as I now feel I can confidently use it to do most forms of animation.

The animation the class built can be found in the link above. From what I can see, they focused on the effect of animation boiling. Animation boiling is where you draw out the same rough image many times and then overlay them within Adobe After Effects. You make the frame shift from one drawn image to the next creating a continuous loop. Because the images have been roughly drawn some lines will not add up but, this only increase the effect of the animation. Essentially you could make characters move using this stop motion technique.

Above I have attached a link to a piece of my work from one of Sara Nesteruks workshops in which I have indeed learnt the technique of animation boiling. With this piece of work, I drew a shark many times on a piece of paper. I then imported these images into Adobe After Effects and created the animation boiling. Looking back at this work has made me realise how far I have come within the application of After effects, I am sure that if I keep using it I will get even better I could also incorporate Cinema4D files and effects.