Self Reflection - Summative Module Completion

As the module has now come to a close I thought it would be useful to summarise my experience throughout the project. Working in a group of two is something I have never really done before, I found it quite challenging at first. Communication at times felt a little distant from my project partner however we still manged to complete the tasks on time. As a designer I often like to complete most tasks by myself however once I understood Jacks’ strengths it was easy to share roles.

The project itself was very interesting and I enjoyed researching the possibilities that we could have in the future world. This opened my mind to new technologies and the positive / negative affect of these. Reflecting on the impact of such technologies further allowed me to look at the overall sustainability which referred greatly to my major project. I will be taking some research into the next module.

Aside from completing all the necessary tasks, I feel there was an overall lack of communication from the project lead. This in turn made it difficult sometimes to understand how far we could potential push this project, however I feel we have completed everything that we said we would based around our idea. Overall we have produced an area in which designers can view concise research around the Industry 4.0 and therefore begin to speculate ways in which it can be improved. This form of speculation from the many designers could help in the future world. 

Finally, I have really enjoyed creating work in a team and I will try to do more of this if I get a chance in the near future. Working in a entrepreneurial manor is something that I will have to take forward into my major project. I further believe that my ability to speculate around the challenges of a topic has been improved, this is very beneficial to my project as I need to show a way in which fashion can be made sustainable whilst making people care.