Direction & Treatments (Part 1 - 3)

In this task within the process module I looked into the use of direction and treatments. I have already discussed treatments during the guest lecture with Matt Whitewood. I would now like to focus on the of the understanding of frames. Frames can be used be used in a range of different mediums including book covers, apps, film and advertising. Essentially frames are the main visual representation of any product. Frames include narrative and should be able to tell you a story using visual aid.

Some examples of frames can be found in book covers. Book covers are essential as it is the first thing the audience see’s. Personally, as a graphic designer I decide whether I would like to read a certain book based from the cover graphics. This graphic should give you a summary of the main frame point of the book. Below is an example of my favourite childhood book series. Each cover represents a different story in the series.

A Series of Unfortunate Events (Source: Lemony Snicket, 2006)

As you can see from the series of book covers above each focus point is centred around the middle of the cover. In the middle of the cover a story is being illustrated referring to the edition title of the book. The use of frames within this series is very effective as each book retains the same structure and the only thing that changes is the main visual representation. Frames are used a lot in mobile applications. The most common can be seen in clothing apps, this is shown below.

(Source: Screenshot by Blog Author)

Above are three screenshots of mobile clothing apps. The screenshots all represent the use of frames within the app. Within each category section there is lettering and then a defining image that pretty much tells you where the specific section leads to. These types of frames would be very useful within my mobile app design. I will intend to develop the app design creating a screen that refers to the use of frames such as the ones above. Aside from book cover and mobile apps the use of frames can be shown through advertisements.

CHANEL Boutiques Brand Advertisement (Source: Chanel, 2017)

Displayed above is an advertisement poster by Chanel which I feel displays a good example of frames. Chanel has the reputation for being a very high-class French fashion brand. The imagery in the advertisement depicts a building with high walls and architecture similar to that of the French renaissance. With this and the clothing the women is wearing, it is evident that this advertisement is for a high fashion brand. The way the Chanel logo is placed appears delicate and does not overshadow any of the imagery within the frame. If logos are scaled high on a page sometimes they appear obnoxious and tacky.

Overall, I am pleased with my research into frames. Frames are something I have always seen but never really looked deeper into the meaning. I feel I am now in a good position to show how the use of frames can affect my app design. Frames could also be brought into my final major project through the use of branding advertisements.


CHANEL. (2017). Chanel Boutiques Brand Advertisement. [Photograph]. Retrieved from

Snicket, L. (2006). A Series of Unfortunate Events. [Illustration]. Retrieved from