Self Reflection - The Future World

It is interesting to know what could potentially be possible in a future world. To understand this one of the ways I like to discover fiction / non-fictional future technologies is through the use of screenplay. My favourite film depicting future life is Back II the Future. In the second movie a future world is shown to the audience in the year 2015 even though the film was created in 1989. It is interesting to look at what they thought could happen and actually did in that year such as self-lacing shoes.

Back II the Future Scene  (Source: Fandoms, 2015)

Looking into the future world is something we can aim for within our project poster. I feel it could be enlightening for people to see what the world could be like in around 20 years. This insight can also show the effects of the industry 4.0 and the imminent introduction of digital manufacturing as part of the 4th industrial revolution.


Fandoms. (2015). Back II the Future Scene. Retrieved From