Reference List

Brief seven has had the biggest impact in my idea generation portfolio. Visiting the library has allowed me to source my books, journals and articles relating to sustainable design. It has allowed me to structure an effective reading list in which I can reflect on my findings within the subject. Looking at books such as “Sustainable Graphic Design: Principles & Practices” has made me think of sustainability through a designer perspective however, it has also allowed me to view the topic in a business sense. From this I discovered that every brand requires sustainablility.

My reference list can be viewed below.

Now that I have a starting point I can begin to structure my project proposal around my references. Within my proposal I will include content such as an introduction, literature review, methodology, aims and objectives and conclusion. These sections will allow me to construct an effective proposal. The use of the library will come into effect more as I begin my literature review. I would like to structure my review in a way that focus on a set of three themes. These themes will be sustainable marketing, sustainable artists and sustainable organisations.


Allard, S. (2016). Eco-Packaging. [Photograph]. In P. Fine Sustainable Graphic Design: Principles & Practices, (p. 10). London: Bloom Academic.