Brief 06 - Sarah Smizz

Sarah Smizz is an artist based in Sheffield, UK. Her practice is concerned with the democracy of information and social class inequalities. When she’s not trying to be political or funny, Smizz has concerned herself with the task of trying to draw the World. She approaches this one building at a time. Smizz was recently shortlisted for the Bloomberg New Contemporaries in April.

From the lecture, it was evident that her practice shifts in mediums but ultimately follows the same medium (The Investigation of Power). This investigation refers to the power of: Infrastructures, Systems, Ourselves, Criticism, Inequalities, Social Class Issues. Accountability, Sustainability, Pedagogy are all points of engagement that reflect in her work, often with a side of humour. This theoretical approach to design allowed me to reflect on my work. I enjoy how Sarah’s work questions society, this is something I could aim for within my Major Project.

Sarah Smizz Website (Source: Smizz, 2017)

After much reflection on Sarah Smizz’ work I really enjoy her ability to draw freely. This is a skill I have always wanted to learn however, my constant drive for organised design prohibits me. As I progress through my study I will attempt working in this style as I feel it could make me a more diverse designer. I will also attempt to evoke thought through my designs reflecting on the issues of sustainability.


Smizz, S. (2017). Sarah Smizz Website. Retrieved from