Brief 05 - Editorial Response

For this brief, I was asked to produce an editorial piece in response to the Wilson’s Republic Conference 2017. To do this I had to think about the different types of editorial work within the field of publications. After I had a good understanding of this I then had to create my own style of editorial work. Because of my interest in abstract fashion magazines I decided to work in this manner. I had to gain a good understanding of grids used within Graphic Design, this made reflect on Swiss Typography.

“Swiss Style eliminates distractions for the viewer and allows the information-heavy design to be read and studied rather than merely seen and admired.” (Budrick, 2015)

I liked editorial work used within fashion magazines as it appears very delicate. I further enjoy the aspect of utilising white space and this is something I have always tried to do within my work. Fonts used within fashion magazines appear luxurious and upper-class, this therefore reflects the branding of that specific company. In my editorial piece, I want to attempt to create work in this style, similar to the work below.

Darling Magazine (Source: Darling Magazine, 2014)
Along with my editorial text I also included an image I had taken at the event. Upon reflection, I feel like I could have taken a better image however, this was the only picture I took during the event. In this year, I wanting to improve my photography skills using a DSLR as I tend to mainly use my mobile phone. I feel that photography skills will allow me to become a more well-rounded designer, it will also allow me to take my own pictures of my work.

The work below shows how I reached my outcome within this brief.

To create this editorial piece, I used Adobe InDesign. What I noticed about the fashion editorial magazines I looked into is that the use of white space is very predominant. In my work, I wanted to maximise the white space therefore the text is shifted toward the top right corner of the page and appears in Minion Pro 7pt. I chose this font as I wanted my work to have a luxury feel. The line spacing allows the text to be deciphered effectively. In fashion publications, I also noticed that text can appear either horizontal or vertically. To mimic this, I added a page number and description of the workshop along the inner seem of the page. Overall, I am very pleased with the outcome of this as I don’t particularly work with publications in my work.


Budrick , C. (2015). Swiss Style: The Principles, the Typefaces & the Designers. Retrieved from

Darling Magazine. (2014). Darling. Retrieved from