Kerning Practice

Form the typography workshop at the Wilson’s Republic Conference I took away some useful tips on how to create typography. I wanted to practice with these techniques such as Kerning. To do this I created a logo for a fictional game show brand. This brand is named ‘Rat Race’. With this logo, I utilised the skills I had learnt within the workshop so that the logo came across in the best possible way. My outcome is shown below.

With this logo, I tried to focus on Kerning of the letters as this is something I have always struggled with in Graphic Design. Within typography, kerning is the process of adjusting the spacing between characters in a proportional font, usually to achieve a visually pleasing result. To create this work I used Adobe Illustrator. The main text has been created from scratch through the utilisation of the Pen Tool. Overall, I am very pleased with the outcome of this practice, I will attempt to create more as the year progresses so that I can truly master typography.