Brief 03 - Inspiration

In brief three I was tasked with presenting what inspires me about Graphic Design. I had to include relevant artists I liked and thought most reflected my work. To do this I created a five-slide presentation. This presentation showed where I gather my inspiration from. It included work by Stefen Segmeister.

Stefan Segmeister born August 6, 1962 is a New York based graphic designer and typographer. He has designed album covers for Lou Reed, OK Go, The Rolling Stones, David Byrne, Jay Z, Aerosmith and Pat Metheny. Sagmeister studied graphic design at the University of Applied Arts Vienna. He later received a Fulbright scholarship to study at the Pratt Institute in New York. He began his design career at the age of 15 at “Alphorn” an Austrian Youth magazine, which is named after the traditional Alpine musical instrument. Stefan Sagmeister’s work on happiness is very interesting and it is appealing to look at. I like how he uses bright colours in his designs to express happiness; I also like how most of his work is not taken too seriously.

Another artist that inspires me is Hamish Muir & Paul McNeil. Hamish was also the main editor of Octavo, International Journal of Typography. Hamish Muir finished his design educations based at the known, Basel School of Design in 1981 where he studied under Armin Hofmann and Wolfgang Weingart. Hamish along with Paul McNeil are big influential designers when it comes to parametric typography. I further enjoy how Hamish Muir and McNeil are letting the logic of the rules they have constructed push the designs past the boundaries of what is deemed legible.

Below you can see the slides I have included in my presentation.

In this brief, I also reflected on how the Future 100 has affected my thoughts towards my Major Project. I further included the websites which I use for inspiration One popular way I prefer to gather inspiration within my projects is by scrolling through my Pinterest page. Pinterest is good as it houses lots of different designs which you can then look deeper into, I constantly find myself scrolling through with no real aim other than to just look at different projects. The main aspect of Pinterest that I like is that you can create a mood board to house all the things you find whilst scrolling, this then allows you to retrieve this work at a later date or create an overall theme for your project. Overall what really inspires me is other people’s work, as I constantly want to better myself from what’s already been created in the design field. Like Pinterest I also reflected on how Behance provides me with inspiration from project based work.

I found this brief to be very useful as it allowed me to connect more with the resources I use within design. It further allowed me to use these methods to research my major project topic.