Sustainable Work

Brief three allowed me to reflect on the tools I use to gain inspiration. From the use of Pinterest, I was able to find an artist working in a sustainable manor. Now there are many ways of reflecting sustainable design, one of these ways can be shown through the use of campaigning. Sustainability does not only have to be gained through the use of recyclable materials. Sustainability can also be reflected upon through the use of campaigns. (Poggio, 2016) shows us how a campaign can be used to respect sustainability. Water for India aims to convey the importance of cleanliness, sharing and respect for water resources. This campaign was driven through the use of murals and colouring books located within schools. This shows the power that a campaign can have on the younger generation. As this younger generation now grows being subjected to this campaign they will respect water resources more.

Natcha Poggio’s work can be viewed below.

Design Global Change (Source: Poggio, 2016) 

I found this work to be very interesting on how it intends to target the younger generation so that they later grow up with the knowledge to respect water. Campaign could be one method I may want to explore within my major project. Campaigns can be very effective as they spread awareness to a demographic, in my work I would intend to spread awareness of sustainability however, I am unsure of the specific topic I would want to discuss.


Poggio, N. (2016). Design Global Change. [Photograph]. In P. Fine Sustainable Graphic Design, (p. 10). London: Bloom Academic.