Guest Lecture - Dave Sedgwick (Studio DBD)

On the 8th of March we received a quest lecture from Dave Sedgewick. Studio DBD is the independent design studio of Dave Sedgwick, a graphic designer based in Manchester. The studio specialises in visual identity, print design, web design and typography. At first glance I noticed that Dave’s design studio specialises in everything I feel I am competent at in design and refers back to my first task around 3 is the magic number.

Studio DBD work with clients of all sizes and sectors. One of the key aspects of the studio is forming long term business relationships with clients by delivering innovative and professional design work that goes above and beyond expectations. This is done by working closely with clients and not just for them. Studio DBD often collaborates with a wide network of carefully selected designers, illustrators, copywriters, web developers, photographers and craftsmen. As a collective the studio can offer the levels of design found in some larger studios, but without high costs. Some of Dave’s work can be seen below.

Ben (Dave Sedgwick, 2017)

As you can see Dave’s work is very catered towards the client and building a visual identity. I like the use of Dave’s simplistic designs and it is something I would very much like to mimic. The use of contrasting colours seems to flow quite natural yet, it makes each identity stand from the vast crowd.  

In addition to direct client work, Dave also works closely with other studios on a freelance/consultancy level, either working as a member of the team in-house or from his own studio off site. From this vast portfolio Dave has been published in a collection of international books and magazines. Dave has spoken at various events, universities and colleges and I even had the pleasure of his guidance through my final major project during most of my undergraduate degree. Dave also organises the BCNMCR, a Manchester design exhibition which took place in 2013/14.


Sedgwick, D. (2017). Ben. [Photograph]. Retrieved from