Group Meeting - Wix Website Creation

For this week me and my team mate met with our project leader Jo Harris. As we had not met with Jo for quite some time it was key to express to her our initial ideas. We expressed that we are wanting to focus on the area of digital manufacturing and we discussed our research so far. Whilst under the guidance of Jo we also decided on a team name. We decided that Interconnected would be suited for what we are wanting to portray.

As far as our research goes Jack has been looking into the ideology of industry 4.0 which focuses mainly on robots taking over the roles of humans. This is very interesting subject that we will be exploring further. As for myself, I have been looking into the internet of things and how one day everything in our lives could be interconnected. This raised a question within our tutorial of who actually came up with the phrase of the internet of things. Jo Harris then provided us with a good starting point for our study. At this stage we saw our project as being largely research based. This research will be concise in order to raise questions in which other designers can answer.

(Source: Screenshot by Blog Author)

From this session me and Jack produced a Wix website which can be seen above. We will be using this website to upload our concise findings throughout the project. Initially we will start by looking at speakers, imagery and films in order to gather a better understanding of digital production and the future speculative world.