Self Reflection - Defining Interconnected

As our team name has been established for some time now, I still haven’t given much reflection towards its meaning. Obviously, our project is revolving around digital manufacturing and this involves the use of the internet to interconnect specific machines. Aside from the reason why we chose the team name I want to also delve further into its defined meaning.

The dictionary defines interconnected as having all constituent parts linked or connected. This means something is being linked together in order to create one big thing. Interconnectivity is a similar term that “refers to the state or quality of being connected together, or to the potential to connect in an easy and effective way. The concept is widely used in various fields such as biology, network theory, and ecology. It can be further elaborated as all parts of a system, which interact with one another and cannot be analysed if considered alone. Despite subtle differences in meaning, interconnectivity is often related to the ideas of interconnectedness and interdependence.” (Interconnectivity, 2018). This definition refers to a sense of independence which is also very interesting.

Overall, I can see from these definitions that interconnected was the ideal name to choose as it was something that came naturally yet, it refers to our project greatly.


What is Interconnectivity. (2018). In Wikipedia. Retrieved March 11, 2018, from